The BE Communication Lab provides biological engineers with the tools and support to write, speak, and design visuals more effectively.

Our team of trained grad student and postdoc Communication Fellows provides one-on-one coaching and interactive workshops for the BE community. We support tasks and projects ranging from lab reports and oral presentations, to PhD dissertations and job applications. Our approach is to help biological engineers learn both universal best practices for communication, and strategies for success within biological engineering specifically.

Learn more about our team by selecting a category below:

  • Fellows
    The Communication Fellows are trained graduate students and postdocs who use their training and experiences in scientific communication to help clients improve their communication tasks.
  • Advisors
    Communication Advisors are senior fellows who provide leadership and advice on BE Comm Lab projects. Advisors also provide mentorship, curriculum design, and strategic support to the BE and Comm Lab communities.
  • Staff
    The staff of the BE Comm Lab oversee the operations of the Lab, provide support to the Communication fellows, teach Scientific Communication to the trainees in the department, and continually build content to support the needs of the department.
  • Alumni
    Our alumni have been instrumental in bringing the vision of the Comm Lab to life.
  • Former Staff
    Previous BE Comm Lab staff members